We Train You to Work with your Dog, and Your Dog to Work with You.

Out of Control? Overwhelmed? No where to turn?

Here at Dog Gone Behaviors we don’t give up on dogs! Every dog deserves our understanding, regardless of behaviors. For the past 25 years, we have had the honor of rehabilitating dogs that many would disregard, from their unfortunate upbringing. We work with all behaviors good and bad. Here, they are given a family life. We give every dog the chance to be the dog that it wants to be!

We have worked with a number of rescue organizations. Helping dogs that where deemed un-adoptable (before our rescue). The families that have asked for our help are left feeling as though they have a new family member regardless of how long they’ve owned their dog.

• Rehabilitation Specialist
• New Dog Consultation
• Pack Leader/Dog Trainer
• Creating Balance at Home
• Dog Obedience Training

Edward Finn, the “PACK MAN”



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